Going to Sydney...
Big thank you to all who sent us off....our families, physio mates (U guys know who u are...), my kayaking mates (Coach, Shi1Mu3, Geraldine, Sam, Joyce, Pris, Beng leong, JiaXiong, Pihui, ZhiWei, Lyuina:how's your tummy ache), Jolene (great to see u...thanks for your card!), Xin Yan (for being camera man) and all who couldn't be there but were there ....feels strange to be out of singapore.....gonna have to come back to Singapore mann during summer holidays.....=)....miss everyone....Lidcombe's a different picture, very quiet suburb and absolutely cold now....here are some pics ..... Take good care in Singapore, folks....

My family...................................................=)

Our friends from NYP Physio .....=)

Coach, Shi1 Mu1 and kayaking mates......=)

The last guest of the night...=P

Me and Jolene.............=)
Camera man of the day..haha+ and firsttime I'm1.77m........=)
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