Friday, April 13, 2007

Sydney Royal Easter Show (Part 2)!!!

Hi, 大家!!Back again with more pictures of farm animals...First up, are one of the largerst animals on the easter show!!....Cattle!!....They are so huge....just look at their size!!....

These are one of the many species of cattle....Sugarloaf Herefords.....not too sure how they got their names.....=P......For some reason, looking at the cattle makes me not to want to eat beef anymore.....but will I have the determination?

These 2 cattle were playing with each other before I took this picture....thought they look very 相亲相爱!!

If you guys are observant enough, u might see what's coming out from the cattle's bottom....=P...any guesses?...Right, sure you are spot on!!!.....yup, he just BO (bowels out)....The exhibition was quite dirty with all the "shit" lying around....had to be realy careful as I walked.....ha+

"Oh, how cooling!!! I love to bathe....!! I want more more.....Ahhh!!!...So shiok!!!..I feel so clean...!"


She was salivating so much....I decided to take a cute....I like their eyes.....just observe her eye lashes...I thought they look like human eyes....have so much feeling in them....=)....Doesn't she look like a shy lady...?....ha+

Now, for the pigs!!!....Mother Pig is feeling hungry and she needs more energy to feed her piglets, who have yet to wean off from her milk....hee+

“我好饿啊!! 别跟我抢啦!!我要喝多一点!”

These piglets are born at the Easter Show itself last Sunday...So they were only 4 days old when I took this cute right?...They are from the "Saddleback" species....=)

These saddlebacks are 2 and a 1/2 weeks old.....!!....Can you notice that they have developed more muscles compared to the younger four days old?? I like their special!!

Kids enjoying pony rides....ha+....I'm definitely too heavy for the small ponies....=P

One of Australia's endangered wildlife species...called the Bilby!!....It looks like a rat and a bunny...found only in a small part of Queensland....Conservation efforts are geared up to save this species too....bought a Bilby handphone chain and postcard....hopefully a little helps the Bilby fund too!!......

Well, guys...hang on and the next section is coming up....on NRL day at the Easter Show!!!....


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