这一天终于到了!这是我在悉尼的最后一个BLOG。。。要谢谢我所有太极班的老师和朋友! Thanks to Sue and all my friends in TaiChi...Thanks for the farewell lunch and your presents...and of coz, Pamela, thanks for your scarf!! It's beautiful!!...Shall put a picture of the scarf and presents on my blog when I get back to Singapore!!
Thanks to our neighbours, David and Nola, for always welcoming us into their cozy warm house and helping us whenever we needed it...Thanks for teaching us to appreciate wine and for the cheese and biscuits and french onion dips....And for all the cooking tips...!! Huge hugs to both you guys......

And finally, farewell to Sydney and to everyone over here who has been a part of our lives for this one year!!....It's been a wonderful experience!!....I'm going to really miss it here...=)..and miss my rugby games too.....
To everyone in Sydney, do take care, folks!! Will keep in touch!!......
And well, to Singapore and our families over there, we're on our way back!!....
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