A Tribute to me bunny, Snowball~~
Snowball was adopted about 6 yrs ago. She was white at first, before she started to grow brown streaks on her body. She passed away last Sun in the wee hours of the morning. No one saw her go. She had vomitted some fluid I think, I saw some stains on the newspaper. I hope she was not in much pain. Her body was rigid and her ears so cold when I found her lying in the cage. I bathed her and made her as clean as I could possibly could because when she was alive and very ill, I just did not know how to clean her. It was so difficult because she was paralyzed and I think had urinary incontinence. I dried her fur with the hair dryer and placed her in the brown paper box lined with newspaper and padding.
I wondered how she felt at the moment she knew she was going. I figure that animals are the same as humans. I did not spend much time with Snowball on the night she passed away. I thought I bid my farewell the next day but I never got the chance. The last time I really spoke to her was on Sat morning before work. I told her we were going to put her to sleep on Sun. I guessed she knew. She knew that I did not want to put her to sleep as much as I do not wish to see her suffer in pain. I think she left timely so I would not have to make the difficult decision. To me, it was ending a life. Who am I to end a bunny's life?
Dear Snowball,
I'm sorry that I have not been the best owner I could to you. I knew nothing about proper bunny diets and knew nothing except to change your bedding. I never toilet trained you but you were mostly obedient. When I let you run around the back, you loved the dark corners of the room.
Thank you for being with us for the past 6 years. Just like I never knew I would miss having you at the back of the house, I never knew I would cry when you go off to the end of the rainbow.
I hope you will be happy wherever you are.
Luv and Hugs,
Your lousy owner
Sin Yi
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