Aotearoa- Land of the Long White Cloud (Part 2)
Hi, folks...!...going back to Singapore I decided to finish off the second part of my post of my New Zealand trip....sorry for the delay in pics....when I get back, I'll put them in an album k??
This is the Kawarau River, where me and Yogi rafted in group of 6. The picture below is also of courtesy of Yiling, who couldn't join us that day. But lucky for us, she was there to help us out with the pictures. Thanks, Yiling!

Here we are, after we completed the one-day Milford takes 4-5 days to finish the whole trek, we only walked on small parts of the route...hee+

Taken from one of the stopping points during trekking that day. The sky's really cloudless that day, except for a few floating ones...=)
I like this photo alot, taken with the Maoris who gave an exciting and interesting cultural performance. They performed the "Haka" or "war dance" and sang Maori tunes. It was so much fun...ha+ and we learnt that "buttock" in Maori is termed as "Nono" while our thighs are termed "Waiwai"...=P
Me and my horse, Pumpkin...such a cute name right?
This picture was taken while I was riding Pumpkin, so there could be some shaking...haha+.... this is the other end of Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown. The yellow flowers you see here are considered weeds in New Zealand...=O
One of my favourite places in South of New Zealand, Lake Tekapo. We did not stay there but stopped over on the way back to Christchurch. The water is turqoise blue, breathtaking...its colour is due to the mixing of the glacier water and "powder" of flowers growing in the region.
Me amongst the purple and pink flowers called "Lupins". They are weeds too because they are not native to New Zealand...=P
That's all folks!....will put all my pics in an album soon...took many many pictures...and seeya soon in Singapore...!....Here I come!!