Saturday, March 24, 2007

Manly Beach!!

Hi, 大家!Yesterday, Yogi and me went to Manly was such a sunny and welcoming day on the beach...took quite a number of pictures...enjoy, guys!!

This was a huge luxury cruise,named "Sapphire Princess", that stopped over @ Sydney harbour. Just look at its size compared to the Sydney Opera House (below) really is huge!!

And this is of course, the Sydney Opera House once again! Still looking grand..=)...This picture was also taken on board the ferry on way to Manly.

Can you see Sydney Tower in this picture? (more towards the left) This is Sydney's Central Business District...

Finally, Manly, here we come!!..This is the Manly wharf...=)

Manly Beach, on a glorious day during autumn!!

I just love the waves here, so fun and clean!!

Me and Yogi in our bikini...Look @ my fats!!! Ahhh!!!

We got stung! by this tiny blue jellyfish called the "Blue Bottle" which has extremely long tentacles. Its sting hurts so much we had to get out of the water and I started rubbing sand on my thighs and hands to distract myself from the pain. Luckily, the pain lasted only about half hour. Apparently, the tides yesterday were washing all these jellyfish up to shore. The lifeguard announced something strange like this over the PA system," When you are stung, you are stung. There is no cure."...haha+...

Where I got stung....slightly red on my lower thigh...=P

Back @ Circular Quay at started raining cats and dogs!! The seagulls are having a really gd time though...hee+

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Double Happiness

Last tues, I went for a jog into Rookwood Cemetery near my house along my usual route when it started drizzling. "What bad luck!", I thought. As I continued jogging and made a turn, I looked up into the sky to find 2 rainbows!! It was beautiful and almost unbelievable!! It is difficult to see a rainbow, let alone 2 of them...Great reward for being out in the rain early in the morning at 8.45am...=)...I wished I had a camera to capture that here's a picture I found online...of a double bow...

This was exactly what I saw that very day. The lower rainbow was so bright, just like this one! The outer rainbow is fainter and the colours are actually inverted, if you observe hard enough...I didn't notice this change in the position of the colours at that point of time, but isn't it intrigueing?...There is actually a physics explanation for this phenomenon which I found online...=P

A double rainbow consists of a primary bow and a secondary bow. Raindrops that cause a primary bow are much lower in the sky than those that cause the secondary bow, and they only refract and disperse the incoming light once. The secondary bow, on the other hand, is produced from raindrops that are higher in the sky, and refract and disperse light twice.

So why are the colours inverted in the secondary rainbow? Light is refracted and dispersed twice in the drops that produce a secondary bow. This causes the colors to come out in the opposite order of the primary bow.

Are you folks following the diagram? physics is so bad that actually I don't really understand...any chance that the physics folks out there may want to try explain to me k??

It's the very first time I saw a rainbow from one end to the other end, there was nothing blocking my view...好漂亮啊!雨过天晴的感觉真棒!


Monday, March 05, 2007


嘿,大家,今天我第一次以华文写字喔!最近看了花样少年少女。。。本来觉得它好无聊,但后来却觉得这偶像剧有别于其他而且看了让人不觉很开心。。。哈哈。。。真奇怪。。。原来偷偷爱着一个人是可以如此甜蜜的, 就像在戏中的瑞茜和左以泉。而原来偷偷爱着一个人也可以放胆地去爱,就像金秀伊一样。

人人说吴尊很帅,他真得很帅啊;可是我却偏爱汪东城。他人大大个子,却傻乎乎的,很可爱也很单纯的感觉。在节目恋爱百分百里, 跟 Ella 告白的话令我好感动。他说:“但其实有时候讲太多好像太肉麻,其实我也不是一个很会说话的人。那其实跟你相处在这时间之内,我真的有一种就是很轻松的感觉,因为我觉得因为我本来就是一个不太会表达的人,那其实跟你在一起我觉得我不用说太多话。那就是听你说,也许是你的一些小动作都让我觉得相处起来很轻松的感觉。那一直以来我也知道你也喜欢画画, 那知道你这个嗜好,我也觉得很开心因为我也蛮喜欢画画的。一直喜欢就是例如说如果有一天的话,我们可以游山玩水,那如果可以一起拿起画笔,那一起画着眼前的风景,那记录下;如果是我们一起出去玩的那一刻的话,我真的会很感动。如果有那么一天的话。那我刚刚在旁边看着你,虽然就是他们嘻嘻闹闹,我也觉得很开心,因为我觉得我在旁边静静的看着你, 那我就觉得很足够了。然后我就把那一刻画下来,这是我要送给你的东西。” 听了汪大东的话后,还有他那认真的表情,我也要融化掉了啦!
