Saturday, June 23, 2007

Funfabulolous weekend!!

Hey, everyone...what I'm putting on this blog is a little late but it's about great fun.....What about the F4 (fantastic, fun, fabulous, frolic) time we had on the weekend before the Queen's birthday?...=p.....ha+.....when the guys came down from Canberra for some ktv and bubble tea...~~

We sang duets and sang our hearts out during shiok!!....haven't had such great time singing with guys voices...hah...I tink I kind of miss choir where we had the sops, altos, tenors and basses...hah+。。。。太棒了!! 我们又有新的K-歌 gang!!.....哈哈!! 可惜我没拍到照片。。。下来的照片是在 CHINATOWN 吃冰淇淋的时候拍的!!

Taken in "Passionflower", a dessert parlour with absolutely delisumptous ice-cream which is so sticky and creamy......From left: Yuwei, Jian Yang, Wei Xiang, Me, Xueting and Yogi!!

This is the big plate of ice cream we had...yummy...tink we had lychee, mango, green tea, cookies and cream (or "Oli-oh" termed by Wei Xiang), coffee and some hazelnut flavour...hee+...can really remember the flavours...=P

About this picture, it has a fairly long story....ha+...we were discussing what was the flavour of the icecream which was white with black speckles, and when Wei Xiang tried to say "Oreo", Jian Yang heard it as "Oli-oh", hence the term above...hah...dat's not the funniest bit, the most amusing bit was that the 2 guys couldn't stop laughing....for I tink at least 5 mins k?.....and so this is a pic of Wei Xiang who suffered from a serious bout of laughing....=P .....he has kindly agreed to let me place this pic on my blog, so pls all who read this blog, pretend you guys dun know him, if u guys do...hah....

This is a picture of Yogi and Xueting, and dat white patch is Jian Yang's finger....真会搅局。。。=P.....poor Yogi has her face covered a little...

Yuwei who had only a little ice-cream with most of the ice cream eaten by "very greedy and always hungry" Jian Yang..ha+...he just had earned this bad reputation this time.....~~

The different styles of tissue paper roses made by Yuwei and Weixiang....=p...picture courtesy of Yuwei...=)....

Yup, so dat's all about our really enjoyable weekend, despite the rain and storm raging in Sydney.....!! Good luck for ur exams, guys!!...and meanwhile, everyone at 6A Georges Ave, 加油for attachment!!.....

Saturday, June 09, 2007


嘿,大家!!想不到现在离离开悉尼就只有五个礼拜。。。时间它怎么过得如此之快。。。去年的今天,我们正准备过来这儿读书,而我们如今已剩下三个礼拜的实习了。突然之间,我舍不得这里。这里的环境,风景,邻居,朋友。。。其实这里华人多的不像是澳洲! 所以除了家人不在这里之外,悉尼也不会不是一个让人留连的地方。这里其实在不少方面让我觉得更有人情味,更亲切!

平时在路上跑步或是走路,即使碰到不相识的人也会问声好,打个招呼,心情就这样简简单单的为之一爽!这里的人不吝啬于称赞, 你有做得好的地方,他们会让你知道,做得不好的地方他们会好好告诉你,不会欢喜责备。或许是我碰到的人较友善, 比起很多新加坡人,他们真的在某方面较原谅体谅别人。

在这样的一个环境里,我们不会害怕尝试,不会害怕失败,因为我们不会因此而被看衰。打个比方: 他们可以不进大学出来工作,没有别人的眼光承受,他们没有我们担心别人的指指点点。成绩不好会世界末日吗? 生命就围绕着成就一个字吗?成就的定义到底是什么?新加坡的家长为何老是喜欢把自己的孩子拿来跟别家的孩子比?要比也只能和自己比, 所谓一山还有一山高 ,我们又能比到什么时候?在新加坡的环境里,我们就是这么的绷紧,这么的在乎。为什么就不能放下? 放下对自己和身旁人的要求,不理会别人的话语,就认认真真的享受生命中的每一刻,活出自我。重要的只有现在,我们又何须对自己过不去,不断的想着过去和那未知的未来?

