Tuesday, January 22, 2008


这应该是我这五年来病的最久的一次,虽然不是很重。整个鼻子塞住的感觉真的quite horrible, having sinus is bad man!!! And it's yellow and thick...GROSS!!! Sorry for being a little bit 恶心here...haha+...Working in a MRSA ward is not gd man...whole day go hospital then I feel my sinus coming back...I'm alright when I'm outside!!...So I have decided that me need to jog tmr...haven't jog since last Mon....need to breathe in fresh air...maybe like dat my nose will clear up and I will stop being nasal!!....

been having fun with the guitar I borrowed from XXY for my guitar lessons...I can play Yankee Doodle and Amazing Grace....haha+....update u guys about my guitar classes k?....=)...anywayz, it's time to sleep....*yawnz*.....nitez**

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


今天天气较为晴朗,我自己一个人跑着步,享受着那雨过天晴的空气,感觉好好啊。。。然后到gym做了push-ups and crunches, 再加上一些chest-press, 还有太极。。。心情果然没那么沉重了。。。


Tuesday, January 08, 2008



柠檬够清新,该可以拨开那纳闷的雾帘,我是这样想。柠檬拿了两粒,切成四个半,用手用力的按,再用汤匙把种子舀出来。 该不该放水呢?我想了一下。还是不要。

先是,第一口小口的试喝了一下, 还好酸中带甜。再大口的喝了下去,就开始真的酸了。深呼吸,再一次,还是好酸。最后那一口,忘不了那酸,酸到眼泪差点留下。

可是柠檬汁四口喝完了,眼泪没流,心却在颤抖。 可惜柠檬汁四口喝完了,天气还是郁闷的。只是柠檬汁四口喝完了,暂时还是无法谅解自己。

Sunday, January 06, 2008




突然觉得我只是一个人 有点孤单浅浅的忧郁
虽然今天天很蓝 而云很白 风很凉

今天日记空白没有关系 不必每件事情都在意
不想工作 不想困扰自己 不必刻意想你
该是我的总会来 就算挑战 我不走开

一点点你的微笑 已经让我觉得温暖
我还不懂坚持 正好让我 学会去爱
我曾经看见困难 变得胆小 不够勇敢
但还是要相信 相信感觉 相信简单

有一天 等我懂得现实 也许更灰心

我还是会相信 相信感觉 相信简单


只是想说, 喜欢一个人时,就让我理智中有那一点幻想,可以吧?
我不知道我需要多少时间, 我只知道勇敢。 那就这样吧。。。

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

It's Year 2008!!!

Hey, everyone! It's the coming of the new year!!....Time just sprints along without us realising....and it's the Year of the Mouse and my zodiac yr has returned after completing one round....Ahhh!!!....Can't believe I'm going to be 24 this year, just after my 23rd birthday has passed!

We had a great countdown this year with Gretel's recommendation. We hung out somewhere opposite Esplanade...we are not allowed to reveal where it is according to Gretel...=P....Yiqin, Gretel and I hung around there to book places right in front of the Singapore river since 8 plus...it was so cold and were literally "吃风"-ing....hee+...then XXY and Loo Wee came over just in time at 12am to catch the fireworks....Big thanks to XXY for his warm drinks!! Saved us from the cold....Paiseh Yiqin, should have asked to get u something else due to ur sorethroat....

Well, I like this pic alot....courtesy of XXY's camera.....=).....

What holds in the new year for us? I have no idea....but I know I definitely want to:

1) learn more at work and continue to enjoy time with my patients and colleagues

2) appreciate and be with my family more often *less running out at night*...hee+

3) spend time with my friends also, at least once every 2-3 months...

4) try to operate my finances more effectively and pay my bills on my own and SAVE!!!

5) start learning the guitar and maybe I can sing for leisure at 民歌餐厅....

6) continue practising my Tai Chi

7) continue kayaking on Saturdays I dun work

8) keep in touch with my Aussie neighbours and Tai Chi friends

9) and finally, eat less and exercise more...haha+

I hope I didn't miss anything...if anything, I would post again...~~....=p

Anyways, here's wishing everyone a great year ahead k?....

Let's all enjoy each moment in life and live it best!!!